I’m in love with Optimus Prime- Here’s the deal

I grew up an only child – a latch key kid who had a lots of down time spent in my head, in front of the TV, and alone in my room left to the exploits of my own creative imagination.

I mean I’m sure Dr. Phil, Freud, Deepak, or the “fix my life” chick would all concur that my daydreams were primarily due to my sibling less existence.

I mean, I spent many a day in front of the TV. Just me, my dog, and a bag of Oreos; This of course made me probably the best TV trivia competitor in the world.

Go ahead ask me…

MTV? Got it! Tootsie? Bring it on!

Hell, I even watched a healthy dose of R Rated movies in my prepubescent years. (That may explain a lot – but that’s another post)

But what dominated the landscape of my tomboy early years were cartoons. Saturday morning, weekday, it didn’t matter.

(This ain’t nostalgia Screws – kids have NO clue what they are missing but I digress!)

We all have our favorites from the Smurfs to Richie Rich, GI Joe, Scooby, Road Runner, and Hong Kong Fuey, but my all time favorite???

Transformers… Yes…

I can’t even begin to describe to you my obsession for Optimus Prime..

Should it really surprise you?

For those who don’t know me, I’m an alpha woman.

Some people call me a dude with tits

While others may fashion me a grown woman with a raging adolescent boy living inside me.

I like my men like I do Optimus. A stylish, fearless, leader, who can be inconspicuous when necessary and run mofo’s over when its time to do that too!

I can sit here and bore you with my favorite episodes (YES I said said “episodes” of a cartoon)

I’ll spare you the 5 season 98 episodes recap! Ha!

This will help give you some perspective…

When Michael Bay and the crew were filming the movie here in Chicago, I happened to be driving down Wacker, only to be stopped by CPD to let a slew of vehicles by and who did I see?????

Optimus!!!! I kid you not, I started crying.

Yes I’m sitting in my car as a grown ass woman with tears profusely rolling down my face when I saw Optimus Prime ride by me.

I started shaking and couldn’t even get a pic!!!!

Damn, Damn, Damn!!

Hmmmm… Is that why I’m still single? Can any man live up to Optimus? The fearless leader of the autonomous Robotic Organisms from the planet Cybertron!

I’m still waiting for my real life Prime and will never settle for a damn Gobot!