2014 has been a whirl-wind of a year for Chrishon Lampley , founder and CEO of emerging wine brand, Love Cork Screw. Since launching her company in December 2013, her brand has risen in popularity, landing at over 40 Chicago-area restaurants and retailers, including all local Marianos Fresh Markets. She is currently in the process of striking deals in California and the UK.
Although Love Cork Screw is quite young, Lampley is no stranger to the wine business. She was the co-owner and resident wine-connoisseur of Three Pea’s Art Lounge, a bar and art gallery previously located at 75 E. 16th St in Chicago, until it was destroyed by a flood in 2010. Despite the tragedy of losing the space, Lampley says she has no regrets.
WMG: How did your losing Three Peas Lounge inform the way you have built your company and brand?
CL: Every business owner, every successful person understands that failure is just as important as success. Adversity is an opportunity to learn and mistakes are the necessary raw materials for building a successful business. If it wasn’t for Three Peas I wouldn’t have LCS now. The relationships I built, the experiences of being an owner molded me into the woman I am now. I wouldn’t change a thing. My character was built and I succeeded.
WMG: What is the Love Cork Screw brand all about?
CL: The LCS brand is all about sophisticated indulgence. Love Cork Screw Wine isn’t simply a beverage, its a cultural marker that signifies cutting edge engagement with life, leisure, and love.
WMG: What part of wine-making and the wine industry do you find particularly attractive?
The fact it’s so subjective is a thrill. To guess what peoples tastes may be to seducing people with my labels. I’ve met serious people I respect as well as I’ve taught people how to enjoy wine. What makes it work is that before I even thought about being an owner of a wine company, I was a fan and avid drinker of wine. That will never change. I love it all.