Chrishon Lampley knows that she has redefined possible, but she also recognizes that there is always more to be accomplished.
“It’s beyond breaking the glass ceiling; you can keep reaching even higher. I feel very strongly to never stop, never settle.”
Lampley was thriving in 2009 when she and her business partner opened Three Peas Art Lounge, an art gallery with a wine bar. Her hard work crumbled in 2010 when flooding overtook the gallery and insurance would not pay for the repairs. Lampley was left with nothing, but still felt a yearning to continue her work with wine.
She started writing a blog called “Love Cork Screw.” The blog covered topics ranging from the best wine selections in Chicago, to takes on restaurants and pop culture. She turned Love Cork Screw into her own personal brand, distributing two types of varietals in 2013. Now, Lampley has expanded the company, turning her passion into wine that can be found in Mariano’s and other locations throughout the Chicagoland area. (click here to read the full article)