Are all women crazy?

On a scale from 1-10, how crazy are you or the average woman you know?

In my experience, single, attractive, women of a certain age start to field this particular question along with the ubiquitous “why aren’t you married” query. (sigh…more on that in a minute)

The truth is ALL women are crazy!

Yes ALL!

We can be the indecisive, emotional, “read my mind,” “you should be able to figure me out” types that can only be described as certifiably looney.

Hey…sometimes I feel like a nut…(you get the picture)

EVERYBODY: So why are you are single again? Are you serious?

ME: (Sarcastic Voice) No actually I enjoy trolling dating sites, browsing through thumbnails of virtual heterosexual men – half of who are either married, attached, or who are looking for ass, or some young 20 something year old who just as clueless as Stacy Dash (double entendre)


You finally decide to connect and this what you hear

“I’ll come for you when I’m ready.”


“I’m just looking to “kick it” or “hang out”

F— you mean “kick it” – you are 44 years old??!

Really? C’mon Son!!!!!!!

I can surely attest to this, as my closet friends are men…


So life isn’t about whether or not men and women ARE crazy

What’s awesome is BEING crazy about the nut ya love…