“Give me coffee for the things I can change and wine for those that I can’t.”

I lifted this from a social media posting a few weeks back and my goodness, it just resonates with life so well!  With wine being a male-dominated industry but a female’s social and emotional companion, to hold her own as a vintner, one could conclude that she may exude a certain je ne sais quoin. Not fully describable but she elicits a contingency that intrigues and invites.

“It’s a fine line with being a woman in business and a true entrepreneur. You have to be very aggressive. You have to be A-type,” says Chrishon Lampley, owner of Love Cork Screw, a wine lifestyle brand offering six varietals. Laughing, she throws in, “ … and sometimes that doesn’t translate well into my personal life because it can come across as intimidating to some guys, unfortunately.

Undeniably, however, the idea to create a brand that brings together wine and good conversation with diverse audiences over various mediums is a brainchild that is well deserving of applause and she’s having a ball with it all!

“I get so excited when it comes to my businesses and having my own,” says the businesswoman who has been an entrepreneur since she was 16-years-old.

Growing up in Downers Grove, living in New York, Vegas and now back in Chicago, Chrishon leads an adventurous life and contributes her experiences to the Love Cork Screw brand. One that has expanded from a wine and foodie blog to an hour-long radio show she hosts with over 4-thousand listeners to wine varietals (we’ll be getting to the treats shortly!) and a following that lusts for the monthly social gathering christened, ‘ The Tequila Tales’ in which her “business husband” Isaac Paul serves as host and Lampley plays the background.

(Click here to read the full article)