We all have THOSE holidays right?

My BFF’s is Valentine’s Day, my mom’s is Thanksgiving, and mine has always been New Years. When I say THAT holiday, I’m referring to the holiday you want to throw-up when you aren’t with that special someone. The one that if you see one more commercial from Jared’s you’ll throw your wine glass at the flat screen. The one that you side eye all the couples who post their lovey dubby shenanigans on social media. This is the catch though. When I look back at those boo-less holidays I tend to chuckle at this simple fact: A rose wouldn’t have been enough. A happy Time Square kiss on the nape of my neck wouldn’t have done the trick. While these gestures may make for temporary joy, it’s not the full picture of romance or connection. It’s like that instant gratification you receive with the first bite of double chocolate cake and then you look at the empty plate like…now what? Geez…


For me, what is most important is the everyday feeling you get from your family, your friends, your career, your business. This is what matters. When you can smile when you realize that what you have is already beyond your wildest dreams, you know for sure cheap roses, blow horns, and obligatory bells and whistles become less important. As a great friend and relationship expert told me it’s like taking the cake out the oven just because it smells good. When the right one is ready for you they will be perfectly baked. (Cake analogies always work) Until then, buy your own roses, bells/whistles, and toot your own horn.


Wine thought of the day: To Chill or not to Chill: I get asked all the time about chilling red wines or not. Of course it depends on the red. Sweet reds can be chilled of course but then there’s the Cabernet I love. “Room temperature” is the rule of thumb but here’s the catch – Room temperature back in the day used to be 60F not the 72F it is today. (Shoutout to Honeywell thermostats)  Also, that’s room tempature in the United States so if you’re traveling be mindful that other countries have different standards. So that being said, slightly chilled is fine so the alcohol doesn’t evaporate as quickly. Make sure to let it sit out a bit to uncork it for air. (But not too much oxygen is the friend and foe of wine) Over chilling makes it bitter.