I’m confident enough to say I’m a very good, giving, generous, selfless individual…

But I had to learn some very valuable, humbling, lessons along the way.

When I was a kid I tried to steal Silly Puddy from Toys R Us and got caught (thus effectively ending my life of crime, but Set it Off is still my ish though)

I also picked up a $20 off the sidewalk and the elderly lady that dropped it appeared after I bent down…

So ever since I was a kid my conscious has never allowed me to do anything really bad.

My karma is like “Ya, try it biotch, I will bite you in the ass”..

But lets flip the script for a second…

I never understood why, a person with the qualities I possess, great things don’t happen to me?

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful and blessed for amazing parents, no student loans, red hair and a frat set of tits, but why do others that seem to not be as decent get more??

I want kids, a house in Barbados and a private jet…

Is that shallow?

It’s not all about the material payoff, if you read any of my previous posts, relationships are extremely important to me. Furthermore, I’ve worked hard since I was young and when does it pay off?
I’m glad that when I was young I had a chance to consume a couple of slice of humble pie because as

I’ve grown I’ve seen how things fall into place with patience…

Furthermore, I’ve also learned that you don’t always get out of the life what you deserve but rather what you negotiate.

A miracle just happened to me the other day with a letter at my doorstep that makes me say…

I’m grateful no matter what…